Monday, August 2, 2010


I feel so fancy! I was given a blog award from the amazing Alayne of all about aj! I am so excited! I'm supposed to share 7 things about myself, so here goes!

1-I have a secret love of Harry Potter. Still. I listen to the audio books while I edit pictures.
2-I love sugar, and eat it all the time. I've thought I should go off of it, but I think I'd starve.
3-I love to bargain shop! Nothing is better than finding an insane deal on something. 
4-I love tricking my little girl. She thinks a puppy is called a poo-pay. She thinks all fruits are called nanas. She's a smart little thing, but I can't think of anything funnier than her going to kindergarten and being brilliant at most things, and then being super confused on several small things. :)
5-I hate swimming and being wet. I tolerate it to shower.
6-I love shoes. Who doesn't? Before I got married, my mom made me get rid of over 40 pairs. I still had over 100.
7-I have tried almost every crafty kind of thing. I love to sew, cook, draw, make jewelry, make bows, scrapbooking, photography (duh!), and so on. If you can make it, I've done it!


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